How You Can Spin Numerous Copies Of Your Article To Produce Exceptional High Quality Articles

Recently I discovered a site that was referred to me by one of my friends on called Jetspinner/Jetsubmitter. Jetspinner is a service that offers web access to an article spinner where you add your article, change snippets (add extra words, phases and sentences that are alike) all the way through the title, body and resource box. Once you have completed making changes, then you spin the article which then produces up to 999 totally exclusive variations of that article.

You can start using this service right NOW for Free! You simply download all the versions in a zip file, unzip the file with all the different versions of your article which are in note pad “.txt” format. It’s a little monotonous to begin with, but it doesn’t take long to master. With all the different variations of your article you're able to present to article directories, you will avoid duplication on the search engines.

As an unpaid member you are given a one time use of Jetsubmitter, which you can even use to submit your distinctive articles to 20 directories. If you pay a on going monthly membership to Jetsubmitter, you will be able to submit your spun articles to directories "Six Hundred Plus". The benefits of using this service for spinning articles is exciting; you'll also become a partner with Jetspinner and earn an income for promoting this awesome software. Feel free to use my partner link: Jetspinner

PS. There are movie tutorials on how you can use the service. Below are the spun versions of this post.

WOW I just looked at my email box at Jetspinner and they have issued me one of free use of Jetsubmitter. I know I will be using this software service a lot.